The Bear Fat Soaps are VERY unique. You can’t just run down to your local mercantile and grab a bar! This bear fat is obtained from local taxidermists and meat processors during hunting season. If they didn’t save it for Mountain Meadow Soaps it would just be thrown away! We have a good, annual supply of bear fat here in Northwest Colorado during hunting seasons. After the hunting seasons are over, there is no more bear fat for a whole year. Get it while you can!
All soap is tested on customers with sensitive skin. Some customers are machinists and get greasy and dirty in their line of work. Everyone consistently claims that Rocky Mountain Bear Fat Bars make their skin soft while it cleans off the grease and dirt very well!
Rocky Mountain
Bear Fat FAQs

In Colorado, the largest populations of black bears live in areas where there is Gambel’s oak and aspen, near open areas of chokecherry and serviceberry bushes. A black bear may have a range from 10 to 250 square miles. Black bears are found in suitable habitats in the western two-thirds of the state.

Local hunting seasons begin in September and go until November when the bears den up for the winter. The 2012 fall bear harvest in the Steamboat area was around 62 bears.

Black bears eat natural foods, such as berries, nuts, and insects. People who live or camp in bear country need to be sure they don’t teach bears to become ‘garbage’ bears by careless handling of food, scraps, and garbage. Most bears seen in residential areas near or within bear habitat do not cause any damage.
About Black Bears
Black bears are the largest of Colorado’s carnivores. There are no known grizzlies living in Colorado. Adult males weigh about 275 pounds. Females weigh about 175 pounds. Depending on the season, food supply, and gender, black bears may weigh anywhere from 100 to 450 pounds. Black bears measure about 3 feet high when on all four feet. They can be 5 feet tall when standing on back legs.